This month’s draft powerpoint is welding safety. I teach it in the 30 hour classes and it has the most cited welding standards from 2013. I will probably make several revisions in the next two years. I need to add the MSHA alert on welding also.
Find it here at
This year, I am tracking the Illinois worker fatalities. I can find five who died in February bringing the total to 15n for 2014.
It was a busy training month for me with 198 people trained. My goal for 2014 is 2500 people trained. The first quarter was a solid 714 people trained total.
Here is the news for March
1) Federal investigators issue ‘scathing’ report on Indiana OSHA.
2) OSHA plans to hire 27 more people in 2015.
3) Houston Chronicle is noting that companies that are having deaths are not OSHA’s worst violator list.
4) Good mold fact sheets.
• The AFT fact sheets at;
• CCOHS's fact sheet:; and
• Canadians for a Safe Learning Environment (CASLE), which has done amazing things in Nova Scotia schools and public buildings:
5) Thanks John R. “I taught an OSHA 2045 Machine Guarding class last week and refreshed my memory of what I think is one of OSHA's very good eTools. Take a look if you get time. Have a safe day.”
OSHA Machine Guarding eTool is good.
5) MD passes a workplace violence rule for healthcare. I see other states following their lead.,0,3038879.story
6) Six years ago. Tammy Miser testified in front of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor about the death of her brother. We need to get some combustible dust rule out.
7) OSHA citation policy for workzones that came out in 2012 is the one used. For example “Work on the Traveled Way. When no advance warning signs are used at points of hazard to indicate work on the traveled way, cite § 1926.200(g)(1). Reference Section 6G-2b(4)/6G.03 of the MUTCD”
8) Congrats to Sukhvir Kaur for her promotion to Chicago North Team Leader.
Congrats to Brian Bothast for his promotion to Team Leader in Peoria.
Congrats to Darnell Crenshaw for becoming CSP ARA.
9) The actual Seaworld complaint to OSHA.
10) New 3/13/2014 recordkeeping guidance for recording temp worker injuries.
11) OSHA announces National Fall Prevention stand-down. During the stand-down, employers and workers are asked to pause their workday to talk about fall prevention in construction, and discuss topics like ladder safety, scaffolding safety and roofing work safety.
12) Fed OSHA rejects AZ increased fall heights in Residential.
13) I am teaching fall protection and many are not aware that a Y-lanyard exists. It can provide 100% fall protection for transition issues. Here is an example.
14) The hot issue in the IL area is a proposal to allow outside safety consultants to be sued. is the amendment
OSHA Citations in March
Penalty State Major Issues
1) $81,450 OH Willful electrical, pressed wood mfr
2) $55,000 FL Repeat fall, Residential roofer
3) $51,800 OH GHS, PPE, Plastic mfr
4) $66,400 NJ Repeat falls, Stucco construction
5) $46,900 IL Lead, bridge painting.
6) $112,000 OH Willful machine guarding
7) $81,400 CO Willful trenching
8) $264,360 GA PSM Ammonia, Food mfr plus Temp agencies
9) $57,000 GA Willful falls, Death scaffold
10) $117,000 OH Repeat Falls, Machine Guarding, Flour Mill
11) $77,770 LA Repeat lockout, roofing material mfr
12) $119,000 OH Willful fall, bridge painting
13) $63,360 FL Lockout, Confined space, asphalt company
14) $73,500 NJ PSM, Coating company
15) $50,600 WI Repeat Silica, Foundry
16) $58,520 NJ Repeat Scaffold
Large Work Payouts
1) $22 Million in trucking incident
2) $32 million against Dominoes in TX for road accident
Summary of the Major News Stories
1) Mobile Crane Hits and Kills Pedestrian (Thanks Craig)
2) The ninth multiple fatality was a wagon lift collapse that killed two workers in January. Thanks Janet Schulte for the find.
3) Over 900 workers have died building the world cup stadium.
3) The 10th multiple fatality was the Seattle helicopter crash.
4) The 11th multiple worker death was two firefighters in Boston that died.
5) 2 workers died in a cell tower collapse in KS. This is the 12th multiple fatality in 2014. OSHA needs to bring back the COMTOWER NEP
6) SIEU tags along on OSHA inspections at open shop
Public Speeches in 2014
I do not charge for these speeches, but the host may charge..
Forging Industry Association
April 9
OSHA Hot buttons
Over 65 going!
Nebraska Safety Conference
April 29, 2014
OSHA Update
Lincoln Nebraska
Contact Tonya Ford 402-326-3107; or
Safety Training at Non-Profits
4/17 & 4/25 Scaffold Safety
Construction Safety Council
708-449-8600 (new!)
4/21 Confined Space
Construction Safety Council