This month’s draft powerpoint is Introduction to Safety. I made a ppt
with mostly an IL slant. I use parts in the OSHA 10 hour classes and
have numerous requests for the ppt. I find it hard to only talk two
hours on OSHA in these classes.
This year, I am tracking the Illinois worker fatalities. I can find 13
who died in June bringing the total to 41 for 2014.
It was a good training month with 114 people trained. My goal for 2014
is 2500 people trained. The first six months was 1072 people trained
I am also working on a training ppts for tuck-pointing, power
transmission and logging safety so will be glad to come out and help
out at no cost.
Here is the news for June
1) Dr, Gary Erisman passed away May 29, 2014. He taught a generation
of safety at ISU.
2) The construction safety Council is looking for energetic,
charismatic OSHA outreach instructors to join the CSC team! Candidates
must be capable of teaching a variety of OSHA topics and have a
current OSHA 500/502 outreach trainer card. American Heart
Association, first aid/CPR/AED instructor also a plus. All classes are
taught during the day, Monday through Saturday at the CSC location in
Hillside, Illinois and/or other contracted sites within the greater
Chicagoland area.
Please send resumes to
3) Can you guess a safety or training programs that the author missed?
Answers next month.
4) I am seeing many scaffolds violate this provision. 1926.451(e)(6)(vi)
Have a maximum spacing between rungs of 16 3/4 inches (43 cm).
Non-uniform rung spacing caused by joining end frames together is
allowed, provided the resulting spacing does not exceed 16 3/4 inches
(43 cm).
5) $90,000 in worker compensation for losing one's dominant arm is
nothing compared to losses for future earnings. - Elizabeth Govaerts
This quote reminds of an IL worker who was let go after losing his
hand. The company said they "had no jobs for one arm man".
I estimate about 15,000 work related amputations a year. I think this
number is remaining constant for the last 10 years. Too many companies
do not know what is required for machine guarding.
The OSHA standards are 43 year old and well behind the thinking of the
ANSi B series for machines.
The OSHA etool is old and really needing to be updated.
OSHA could help by listing the photos of before and after for guarding
machines from actual case files.
VPP/SHARP sites should be required to show one machine guarded at the
their facility. This will help in so many ways. Companies can figure
how to guard machines often by seeing what others have done.
We are not sharing the painful lessons of one million workers losing
body parts since OSHA started. We see the OSHA Amputate program go
through thousands of inspections, but what lessons are transmitted to
the public to prevent a similar occurrence?
It is time to address an area not commonly discussed in safety circles.
6) The OSHA CPL that describle exemptions for farms is at
7) OSHA delays enforcement of the new power transmission standard.
OSHA will also delay enforcement of paragraph (b) of revised 29 CFR
1910.137 and paragraph (b) of 29 CFR 1926.97 until October 31, 2014.
8) The bill includes federal health and safety protections for state
workers, delivering on Executive Order No. 511 issued by Governor
Patrick in 2009. That Executive Order established the Massachusetts
Employee Safety and Health Advisory Committee to study ways to
implement prevention standards in order to reduce the costs state
agencies pay for worker injuries and illnesses.
9) In 2012, 243 workers nationwide died while involved in tree
trimming and clearing activities.
“Tree trimming and clearing can be hazardous work that results in
worker fatalities,” said MaryAnn Garrahan, OSHA regional
administrator. “It is vital that employers take the necessary steps to
protect workers engaged in these activities.” –
OSHA Citations in June
Penalty State Major Issues Business
1) $91,300 TX Willful saw guarding Timber mfr
2) $72,450 MA Repeat crane fall pro, flexible cords, Bridge mfr
3) $286,200 TX Repeat lockout, machine guarding, Mixer mfr
4) $77,000 TX Fatality machine guarding, Conveyer manufacturing.
5) $66,600 NY residential fall hazards, General Contractor
6) $217,000 MT blocked exits, clear space around electrical. Retailer.
7) $59,500 IL Willful trench cave-in protection. Excavator
8) $89,500 OH Willful guarding and lockout. Roll former.
9) $45,000 FL Repeat fall protection and machine guarding. Recycler
10) $110,400 MO Willful trench cavein protection. Excavator
11) $449,680 WI Willful PSM Chemical company
12) $101,200 NE Willful lockout, machine guarding Food Supplement mfr.
13) $102,600 TX Willful lockout, Air bag mfr
14) $58,100 NJ Lockout, exits. Furniture mfr.
15) $145,200 WI Willful hearing conservation, eye protection, lockout,
Lumber mfr
16) $76,300 FL Willful cave-in, Excavator
17) $125,282 TX Fail to abate machine guarding Sawmill
18) $72,380 LA Carbon dioxide, Food mfr.
19) $101,970 NJ Repeat machine guarding. Temp agency and bottling plant.
20) 40,600 GA Falls, noise. Cereal mfr,
21) $53,020 FL fall protection. Framing contractor.
22) $72,000 FL Fatality crushed by panel, Demolition contractor
23) $59,400 PA Repeat machine guarding electrical, lockout Poultry processor.
24) $82,390 MO Repeat Lockout and Machine Guarding. Trailer mfr.
25) $41,800 AL Repeat failing to provide workers exposed to
gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysilane with an eyewash station and a shower.
Insulation mfr.
26) $58,300 CO safafety blocks and locks for automotive lifts.
27) $135,200 TC Repeat electrical space clearance and access to fire
extinguishers. Temp agency and food processor.
Large Work Payouts
1) $1 million asbestos award in PA.
2) $25 million for asbestos
Major New Stories
1) A blown tire caused a logging truck to lose control and spill its
cargo onto a group of construction workers, killing two and injuring
This is the 18th multiple fatality of 2014.
2) Two police officers killed in Vegas. This is the 19th multiple
fatality of 2014.
3) A second person has died in the TX Corrigan plant explosion. This
is the 20th multiple fatality of 2014.
4) Two ambulance workers killed in fiery crash in MS. This is the 21st
multiple fatality of 2014.
5) A specially trained Pekin Fire Department rescue team, which
arrived within several minutes of the accident report about noon,
entered the tanker with oxygen tanks and masks to pull the victims out
by winch and rope. This is the 22nd multiple fatality of 2014
Read more:
6) The dark side of the Texas miracle
2014 Safety Training at Non-Profits
CSC 10 Hour for Construction July 1-2, 2014
NIU 30 hour general Industry July 8-11, 2014
CSC GHS July 11, 2014
CSC Excavation Safety request
CSC Fall Protection July 21, 2014
CSC Confined Space request
CSC Scaffold Safety July 9 and 23, 2014
CSC Crane Signal and Rigging July 25, 2014
CSC 30 Hour construction July 8-15 2014
CSC OSHA 500 July 14-18
TRMA is Three Rivers Manufacturers Association
NIU is Northern Illinois University OSHA Education Center
CSC is the Construction Safety Council in Hillside.
Answers from last month.
A.. Confined Space Permits must be retained for ____1____________ years.
B. The lower limit for Oxygen in a confined space is __19.5___ %
C. This respirator would need an escape pack when used.
D. Rescue system for permit required confined space entry must be
practiced every _12_____ months.
E. ___60_______% of PRCS fatalities are would be rescuers per OSHA