Saturday, April 4, 2015

March 2015 OSHA News

This month’s draft powerpoint is electrical safety for general
industry. I used this in my OSHA 10 hour classes. I find it could go 2
hours if needed. I was thinking I put this out, but I could not find a
month that I sent this out.

It was exceptionally busy in March. I can’t believe that I trained
over 400 this month. It was nonstop.

There are many good worker Memorial Day Events this month.

others speaking.
April 28, 2015 .... please email Tonya Ford at if
you need a registration form.
There is limited space available at this year's Safety Expo please
submit your form as soon as possible to guarantee a spot at this
year’s sessions as there are a lot of amazing experts.

I will speaking at the Workers Memorial Safety Day Monday, April 27th
in Cadillac, Mi! I will be discussing Trimming Safety. It will be
free. Email me for details April 20th.

The new reporting rule that requires employers to call in amputations
is revealing how inadequate guarding and lockout is at many

I have to renew my construction OSHA Train the Trainer so will have a
relaxing OSHA 502 April 21-23 at the Construction Safety Council.


Here is the news for March 2015

1) Two years in jail for director for the death of a worker.

2) Thanks to the people who caught the ppt error on medical
evaluations for respirators. It is initially for this and not

3) I am seeing a rash of fall lanyards with severe corrosion. From the
manufacturer’s inspection guidelines: "Snaps: Inspect closely for hook
and eye distortions, cracks, corrosion, or pitted surfaces."

4) 55 gallon drums have zero rating to lift parts once holes are cut
into the sides. Four drums found in 2015 already from site audits.

5) Vote for regs and ideas that OSHA should consider.

6) OSHA penalty structure is not correct in the Field Operation Manual
because they put out an interim guidance. For example the FOM gives a
Medium Lesser $2000 in Table 6-2.
The 2012 guidance makes the Medium Lesser penalty $4000.

7) This plywood fence death that killed a pedestrian raises a tough
issue for contractors. How much wind should the fence be designed for?
40 mph? 60 mph?

8) Good question on propane storage
What restrictions apply to the storage of propane cylinders in buildings?

The storage of propane in buildings is limited: Buildings frequented
by the public are limited to cylinders with a propane capacity of 1
pound. The total quantity stored is limited to 200 pounds of propane.
Buildings not frequented by the public are limited to a maximum
quantity of 300 pounds of propane. The cylinder size is not

9) The deaths in mines were 260 in 1970. Last year it was 16. The
fatality rate also dropped 90% from 200 dead/100,000 miners to 20/100k

10) Electrical cords should be inspected daily. I am seeing audit
after audit where these are missing.

OSHA Citations in March

Penalty State Major Issues Business

1) $113,300 IL Repeat hexchrome, lockout, machine guarding Mineral manufacturing

2) $75,240 NE Willful fall protection Residential roofing contractor

3) $59,500 OH Repeat PSM Refinery

4) $181,500 PA Willful scaffold, Stucco contractor

5) $63,000 NJ Exits, Electrical, Warehouse

6) $55,000 AL Willful cave-in. Trenching contractor

7) $58,410 CO Lockout death baler. Scrapyard.

8) $53,800 AL Willful trench death. Trenching Contractor

9) $186,200 FL Willful fall protection, Residential Roofer

10) $110,000 IL Willful forklift Chemical company

11) $73,920 NY Willful fall protection, Roofing contractor

12) $109,450 WV Willful forklifts, fall protection, Framing contractor.

13) $42,000 IL PSM, combustible dust. Powder Metal Parts company

14) $60,000 MO repeat asbestos. Auto parts company

15) $272,250 MO Willful death lockout, Display mfr.

16) $60,200 KS 15 Confined space, respirators. Tank leasing company.

17) $108,000 NY Falls, electrical, lockout, Dinnerware mfr

18) $54,500 MO Lockout Fatality, electrical, confined space. Dairy Farm.

19) $49,500 IA Repeat forklift. Postal facility

20) $50,000 FL 10 Serious Formaldehyde, University

21) $53,900 OH Willful machine guarding, Health care products

22) $45,500 OH Fatality, Machine guarding. Bowling alley

23) $366,400 IL Willful lockout, guarding, Scrap Metal recycler

24) $77,400 IL 9 Serious, Electrical, GHS, respirator Barge Company

25) $45,500 GA 12 Serious lockout, guarding, Wood Products

26) $79,900 TX Repeat cave-in Heavy Construction company

27) $73,000 NY PSM, isobutene, Packaging company

28) $294,300 IL Willful guarding. Steel Storage mfr

29) $83,050 GA Repeat Exit blocking. Retailer

30) $107,900 AL Willful fatal explosion, lockout, Steel Mill

31) $67,900 PA Willful fall protection. Roofing contractor

32) $40,000 NH Falls, Electrical. Electrical contractor.

33) $184,000 FL Falls, residential. Roofing contractor.

34) $119,000 FL Falls, scaffolds, silica, Concrete finishing contractor

35) $71,610 WI Repeat combustible dust. Wood Pellet mfr

36) $102,180 WI Willful punch press. Iron products mfr

37) $197,000 HI Willful PSM ammonia, Food warehouse

Large Work Payouts

1) $26 million award from accident in cab. "Attorneys tells us – the
bankruptcy filing now *delays* any payout the Jacobs family will
receive." Jacobs suffered brain damage in the accident.

2) Hillsborough County FL jury has awarded $64.5 million to a man who
was seriously injured when a building collapsed while he worked at a
Mosaic Co. construction site in 2009.

Major New Stories

1). Three family members killed in oil explosion. This is the fourth
multiple fatality of 2015

2) 11 Presumed dead in helicopter crash. This is the fifth multiple
fatality of 2015

3) DOL has filed a motion with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st
Circuit in Boston asking it to hold Lessard in civil contempt for
refusing to implement safety measures and pay more than $400,000 in
fines for violations cited through 2010.

• He could face jail time

• Lessard didn’t return multiple calls seeking comment.

• The motion for contempt stems from a December 2010
Occupational Safety and Health Administration inspection that resulted
in citations for alleged “egregious, willful, serious and repeat
violations” for a lack of fall protection and other hazards.

4) 3 dead in scaffold incident in NC. This is the sixth multiple
fatality of 2015

2015 Safety Training at Non-Profits

CSC 30 Hour construction April 7, 9, 14, 16

CSC OSHA 500 upon request

CSC OSHA 510 Apr 6-10

CSC Excavation Safety April 15

CSC Incident Investigation/ upon request

NIU 30 Hour Industry upon request

CSC Confined Space April 30

TRMA Scaffold Safety upon request

TRMA Crane Signal and Rigging upon request

CSC GHS update upon request

CSC Fall Protection upon Request

NIU is Northern Illinois University OSHA Education Center

CSC is the Construction Safety Council in Hillside.

WDCC is the Western Dupage Chamber of Commerce

TRMA is Three Rivers Manufacturers Association

I usually teach only part of the 30 hour and the 500 series.

This year, I am tracking the Illinois worker fatalities. I can find 15 for 2015.

March was the most training ever for me with four Saturdays and Three
Sundays doing training. I am up to 848 people trained in 2015. April
is off site training and four audits so it will be much less.