Monday, January 27, 2020

May 2006 OSHA News

Greater Illinois OSHA News             May 31, 2006
Vol. 2. No. 5 

Z Project Conference, May 2, 2006, Area Director’s Choice

The Z Project Conference on May 2nd was a great success and for those of you who weren’t able to attend, we will be doing a series of highlights of the presentations of hazard controls from that conference, starting with the Area Director’s Choice Award recipient, Monsanto Company, Stonington, Illinois.

Monsanto had repetitive motion and potential knife injury challenges in their bagging operation. End of season bags had to be opened, and contents spilled in a pit, exposing employees to lifting, bending and stretching ergo hazards, not to mention the potential of knife cuts in slicing open the bags.  Their hazard control result involved a conveyor, a guarded roto-zip tool, a hopper and a baler, which saved the company 25% in time and a 33% reduction of labor, all for a cost of approximately $100!  Here is their story:

Congratulations to Monsanto/Stonington!

Photo by Ken Koroll

This photo taken in Springfield shows that keeping balanced on a steep roof requires concentration. No slide or fall protection was provided to the workers. 

New 2005 Emergency Cardiovascular Care Guidelines
Every five years, the Guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care are reviewed and updated.  New guidelines were released last November and are being implemented throughout our training network.  New programs and products are currently being developed based on these guidelines.  For highlights of these changes, visit  The most significant changes in these guidelines were made to simplify CPR instruction by increasing the number of chest compressions delivered per minute and reducing ventilations during CPR.  

Dr. Gary Erisman Retires from Illinois State University

On May 12th, 2006, an end of an era arrived as Dr. Gary Erisman, Instructional Assistant Professor of the Health Sciences Department of Illinois State University retired.  The Peoria OSHA Office has had a long standing relationship with Dr. Erisman’s Health and Safety classes, providing them with insight into OSHA with updates and classes on recordkeeping and inspection activity.  Our office has had a number of interns from ISU, some of whom became permanent fixtures in our offices (Peoria and Fairview Heights).  Dr. Erisman was a major proponent in assisting in the development of those interns and in referring prospective candidates to our program.  We will miss him and hope his successor will continue the tradition.

Our ISU alumni include:  Brian Bothast, Karl Armstrong, Rob Bonack, Becky Styron, Larken Akins, Paula Lethiot, and Trish Rankin.

We wish Dr. Erisman the best in his retirement.

CAS Peggy Zweber and Dr. Gary Erisman on 
May 1st, 2006, at his Health and Safety Class 
During the “OSHA Update”
General Electric Receives 5 Year Plaque for STAR

General Electric of Mattoon IL successfully passed their OSHA recertification audit this spring. OSHA honored them with a 5 year certification plaque and a new STAR flag. Well done! 

GE Lamp Plant teams with their VPP STAR flag – Celebrating 5 years!!!

Ammonia Release
We just settled a case where a company had required people to use their  noses to detect outdoor ammonia leaks. They have agreed to use monitoring equipment and wear respirators until the level of ammonia can be determined. 

3 Burned in Fire
Fulton county - Three employees were burned when attempting to light a pilot light to a propane gas heater with a grill lighter. Apparently 10 psig was coming out of the propane tank instead of the usual 0.5 psig.

Discrimination Case Settled
Pekin – We settled a case where a worker was laid off for getting an injury. The company didn’t  want an OSHA lost time accident so they admitted to laying off an injured employee to avoid this. The employee will receive back pay and full right to return to work when recovered. 

Struck By Accident
Columbia – A worker at a landscaping retail yard was killed when accidentally run over by an employee using a Bobcat loader. 

Confined Space Double Fatality
Havana – Two workers died in a well pit that was 9 feet deep at a residential location. We are awaiting the coroner’s report to determine cause of death. 

Innovators of the Year
Rob Bonack and Karl Armstrong recently won the National OSHA Innovator of the Year Award for the work on creating a wallet size card for Roofing. On this card are the requirements for shingling and roof sheathing. 

Peoria Changes
I have accepted an offer to transfer to the Chicago Regional Office as Assistant Regional Administrator for Cooperative and State Programs effective June 19th. I would like to thank all the people from the Peoria and Fairview Heights office that made my job easier which gave me time to work on this newsletter. I hope to continue a form of this newsletter at the Regional Office. In 15 months,  I have seen the office go from the bottom to the top of most efficiency measures and complete a thorough audit by the Regional Office with no major deficiencies. The office received an Honorable Mention as it well deserved for Area  Office of the Year because it really now runs itself with very little direction. I think the people have done quite well and should finish up the year in good shape. I would like thank all the people I have met in the course of speeches and meetings. I really appreciated the hospitality and warm reception that I received. Thank you all. 

. Comments

If you would like to receive this newsletter via e-mail, contact "". Due to costs, we cannot mail to individual companies. 

Comments on the newsletter should be addressed to John Newquist c/o OSHA, 2918 West Willow Knolls Rd., Peoria, IL 61614 
Peoria office - Phone (309) 589-7033. 
Fairview Heights office - Phone (618) 632-8612

The information contained herein has been compiled and reported with the intent that it is
both reliable and up-to-date, and is offered for general guidance only. Additional safety
measures may be required by your facility under certain conditions or circumstances.
Please seek professional advice for your specific situations.  The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (IL DCEO) can be contacted at 1-800-972-4216.

March 2006 OSHA News

Greater Illinois OSHA News             March 22, 2006
Vol. 2. No. 3 


We want to thank the DIOSH day committee and volunteers for all the hard work they did to ensure that the event was a success. We had approximately 500 people attend the sessions and we hope you enjoyed the presentations.  

Z Project/Best Practice Project 

OSHA is taking nominations for the Z Project which highlights best practices from companies. There are four award categories. 
- The Lifesaver Award is presented for a control that could save a life.
- The Pluto Award for a concept that is unusual and innovative. 
- The Alveoli Protection Award is awarded for a control that improves air quality. 
- Highest honors, the Z Project Award is for the best control of the year. 

Please contact Peggy Zweber for more information at (309) 589-7033 or

Macomb Electrical Fatality

A young second-year apprentice was electrocuted installing 277v ballast while the electricity was on. This is the second fatality in less than a year that we in Peoria have investigated for this issue.  

(Photo by John Newquist)
We expect during ballast changing operations that the breaker be locked out as shown in the above photo. 

(Photo by John Newquist)

Here the electrician is checking to see if the wires are de-energized. He is wearing a headlight to see. He is also wearing Class 0 gloves with leather protectors to do the wiring. 

Peoria building collapse

(photo by Rob Bonack)

In March, a commercial property under construction collapsed when the wood trusses fell. We expect all wood trusses to have horizontal and diagonal bracing in accordance with the Truss Plate Institute Guidelines. Four industry documents currently provide recommendations for temporary bracing. The documents include DSB-89 Recommended Design Specifications for Temporary Bracing of Metal Connected Wood Trusses (TPI, 1989), HIB-91 Commentary and Recommendations for Handling, Installing, and Bracing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses Pocketbook (TPI, 1991), HIB-91 Summary Sheet (TPI, 1991), and HIB-98 Post Frame Summary Sheet (TPI, 1998). All documents are available from the Truss Plate Institute.

Four Fingers Amputated in a Press Brake

We are investigating an amputation of four fingers in Sauget IL. The temporary worker was using a hydraulic press brake when the amputation happened. It was foot pedal operated. 

Top Cited Construction National 2005

#1 – 1926.501(b)(1) 
  • Subpart M:  Fall Protection, Open-sided floors with no guardrails
  • Total Violations: 1952
  • Ave. cost/citation: $1944

#2 – 1926.501(b)(13)
  • Subpart M: No Fall Protection for Residential Construction. Most common is the lack of slide guards during roofing.
  • Total Violations: $1871
  • Ave. cost/violation: $1550

#3 – 1926.100(a)
  • Subpart E:– No Hard Hats
  • Total Violations: 1605
  • Ave. cost/citation: $764

#4 – 1926.451(g)(1)
  • Subpart L: Scaffolding – No Fall Protection
  • Total Violations: 1441
  • Ave. cost/citation: $1452

#5 – 1926.503(a)(1)
  • Subpart M:  Fall Protection Training Requirements
  • Total Violations: 1214
  • Ave. cost/citation: $768

#6 – 1926.453(b)(2)(v)
  • Subpart L:  Aerial Lifts – no fall arrest used. 
  • Total Violation: 1185
  • Ave. cost/citation: $1419

#7 – 1926.451(e)(1)
  • Subpart L:  Climbing scaffolds like walkthrough frames
  • Total Violations: 1161
  • Ave. cost/violation: $1372

#8 – 1926.1053(b)(1)
  • Subpart X:  Ladder too short, not 3 feet above landing
  • Total Violations: 1090
  • Average cost/violation:  $820

#9 – 1926.652(a)(1)
  • Subpart P:  Lack of cave-in protection on trenches
  • Total Violations: 1070
  • Ave. cost/violation: $1498

#10 – 1926.451(b)(1)
  • Subpart L : Not having full planking on each working deck
  • Total Violations: 1065
  • Ave. Cost/citation: $1498

Springfield Tornado

(Photo by John Newquist)

OSHA sent several people to the City of Springfield to assist in recovery  from an F2 tornado that hit the city on March 12;  94% of the power was lost to the city. The West mall area and the east Dirksen drive area were the hardest hit.  Over 100 interventions were done (all tornado related); serious hazards affecting over 1000 employees were identified and abated.

(Photo by John Newquist)

The company agreed to have an insulated aerial lift brought in to do roof edging instead of this unsafe practice. Power lines must be presumed to be hot unless visibly grounded. 

OSHA is co-sponsoring the Midwest Emergency Preparedness and Response Conference in Rockford on May 8-10, 2006. The Regional Administrator, Michael Connors will give a keynote.  The website, has more information and the agenda.

Secretary v. Reynolds, Inc.

OSHA issued a Citation containing willful, repeat, and serious violations following a fatality inspection of the firm’s Mason, Ohio worksite.  The fatality occurred when a bucket unintentionally detached from a track hoe and fell onto a worker in an open excavation.  The judge affirmed the willful and repeat violations and one of three serious items.  The affirmed willful violation involved the failure to use cave-in protection in a trench that was over five feet deep.  The repeat violation alleged the failure to provide training on excavation cave-in hazards, and quick coupler use and procedures for preventing accidental disengagement of attachments from quick couplers.  The one serious item that was affirmed involved the failure to include inspections of quick couplers in the firm’s accident prevention program.  The ALJ assessed a penalty of $25,000 for the willful violation, $10,000 for the repeat violation, and $1,000 for the serious violation.

The ALJ vacated a 5(a) (1) citation alleging the failure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for using a quick coupler finding,  that the manufacturer’s instructions were inadequate because they did not specify which steps are critical, did not stress the need to perform each step, and did not describe how to perform the visual inspection aspect of the test.  Finally, he vacated the serious violation which alleged that Respondent’s accident prevention program failed to address quick couplers and work near swinging attachments.  Reynolds, Inc., headquartered in Orleans, Indiana, is engaged in excavation contracting and in-ground pipe installation and employs approximately 800 employees nationwide.  

House Under Renovation

OSHA does not have any jurisdiction for home owners who may erect unsafe scaffolds. We would talk to them if available. (photo by Trish Rankin)


If you would like to receive this newsletter via e-mail, contact "". Due to costs, we cannot mail to individual companies. 

Comments on the newsletter should be addressed to John Newquist c/o OSHA, 2918 West Willow Knolls Rd., Peoria, IL 61614 
Peoria office - Phone (309) 589-7033. 
Fairview Heights office - Phone (618) 632-8612

The information contained herein has been compiled and reported with the intent that it is
both reliable and up-to-date, and is offered for general guidance only. Additional safety
measures may be required by your facility under certain conditions or circumstances.
Please seek professional advice for your specific situations.  The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (IL DCEO) can be contacted at 1-800-972-4216.