This month’s powerpoint is the
most frequently cited General Industry standards. I was surprised to see the
citations for electrical equipment not used per listing crack the top 10.
Usually missing ground prongs and strain relief citations would normally be
I also included a Pure Power
citation on arc flash since OSHA cited some standards that many in industry
often forget.
I am glad to see some OSHA
offices make contractors take an OSHA 10 hour class to settle citations. Many
of the companies have not even started on GHS training which was in effect Dec.
1 2013. That is disappointing.
Here is the news for December
1) I am seeing several forklifts
be modified with extension bars. These bars allow the forklift to reach object
further away. Too many are not tested, not meet ANSI B30.20 and have no
capacities. The center of gravity is affected and the forklift will lift less
than it was designed for. Only use manufacture’s authorized equipment.
2) Thanks John. Good set of
videos for workers and supervisors. Ontario Requires Health and Safety
Awareness Training for Workers and Supervisors
A new regulation will require
health and safety awareness training for every worker and supervisor under
Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). The regulation comes into
force July 1, 2014, allowing workplace parties time to prepare.
3) Top areas for OSHA willful
violations was surprising. Lead was #3.
4) Study Finds Federal Contracts
Given to Flagrant Violators of Labor Laws
“Overall, the 49 federal
contractors responsible for large violations of federal labor laws were cited
for 1,776 separate violations of these laws and paid $196 million in penalties
and assessments,” the report said. “In fiscal year 2012, these same companies
were awarded $81 billion in taxpayer dollars.”
5) A great Dr. Michaels speech
on protecting temp workers this month.
6) Propublica did a great
article on hazards of temp workers. I expect OSHA to increase focus in this
7) After 38 years as head of the
Calumet City Area Office, Gary Anderson will retire Feb. 1, 2014. Gary was
always the master of meetings and could get sides to agree on many issues. He
pushed GHS, Lead safety and industrial hygiene. He will be missed.
8) Jordan Barab comments on the
small farm appropriations.
9) 100 years ago in Chicago, at
least 605 people died in the worst theater fire in the US. The exits were
locked. Always make sure you can find two ways out of any venue, concert hall,
and restaurants.
10) Apparently the lower
injuries rates and fewer deaths are affecting the PI lawyers too. One said they
use to never go to trial because of the case load, now they are picking juries
every month instead of once a year. The lawyers for the companies like it
because it more billable hours.
11) Federal health investigators
have confirmed 50 cases of bladder cancer among Goodyear employees through
2007, nearly three times the number that would have been expected in the
general population of New York State. The unofficial tally to date, compiled by
a lawyer for some of the cancer victims, is 58 cases.
12) It has been a while since I
saw a plant manager take safety training with the rest of the workers. Times
are a changin'
13) It is so nice to go to a
company that has a safety committee that works and gets continual training. The
safety committee does most of the audits, reports and investigations. The site
just celebrated a third year without an injury. They passed the corporate audit
with the highest ratings of all the global plants.
We did the audit and only a
couple small issues came up. I am pushing for safety harnesses to be worn in
scissor lifts because it is a risk that has killed over hundred workers.
Several companies have moved in that direction and the aerial lifts have
designed anchorages. I am pushing lift pods vs. using step ladders since I see
over 100 ladder deaths a year.
14) OSHA has a smaller staff
than some police departments.
OSHA Citations in December
Penalty State Major Issues
1) $460,350 NY Willful Fall
Protection, Stucco Contractor.
2) $110,500 IL Lead, Railroad,
3) $48,300 NJ Guarding, PSM,
Respirator, Pyrotechnics.
4) $131,600 NY Fail to Abate
Machine guarding, lockout, Optical Mfr
5) $50,400 LA Willful fall
fatality, Cell Tower
6) $117,000 IL Machine guarding respirators,
cranes, electrical Metal Coil mfr.
7) $133,000 KS Willful confined
Space, Rail Car mfr.
8) $41,000 MS, Fall protection,
machine guarding, Recreational Vehicle mfr
9) $49,200 NJ PSM, Fire safety,
Acetylene mfr
10) $42,350 FL Willful fall
protection, Roofer
11) $99,000 LA Willful PSM,
Olefin mfr
12) $59,400 CT Repeat
Electrical, Forge
13) $105,490 CT Willful PSM, foam core mfr
14) $199,800 TX Repeat punch
presses, lockout. Pipe mfr
15) $154,000, GA Willful fall
fatality, Roofer
16) $90,090 OH Blindness from
scissor lift accident, Metal mfr
17) $151,030 GA Machine
guarding, food mfr
18) $165,550 CT Fail to abate Welding
screens, fire extinguishers, GHS, welding company
19) $52,500 OH amputation tube
20) $147,000. KS Willful
amputation lockout, machine guarding Food mfr
21) $66,440 GA Repeat
scaffolding, Drywall construction
22) $119,000 KS Lead, arsenic,
cadmium, sporting good mfr
23) $68,530 AL Repeat trenching
24) $55,000 IL Repeat forklifts,
25) $63,700 GA Asbestos,
skidsteer, Demolition Contractor
26) $83,200 NY Repeat fall
protection, retail store
27) $40,500 TX steel truss
collapse, Steel Erector
28) $66,550 GA Noise, machine
guarding, Fence mfr
29) $119,000 WI Willful arc
flash incident, Electrician
30) $293,700 OH Willful lockout,
forklift, fall protection, Aluminum die caster
31) $44,000 GA Lead cleanup gun
range, Environmental cleaner
32) $103,000 IL Repeat roofing,
ladder safety, Roofer
33) $550,000 AZ Firefighter
deaths in forest fires
Large Work Payouts
1) $281 Million for family of
man killed in drilling accident.
Summary of the Major News
1) Thanks John for the extensive
database resources at EPA. EPA’s EXPOsure toolBOX (EPA-Expo-Box) is a toolbox
created to assist individuals from within government, industry, academia, and
the general public with assessing exposure. It is a compendium of exposure
assessment tools that links to guidance documents, databases, models, reference
materials, and other related resources. Exposure assessment resources are
organized into 6 Tool Sets, each containing a series of modules that you can
access from the table below. In addition, links to resources on other
over-arching topics can be accessed from the Quick Finder menu at the top of
the homepage. Searching the toolbox (click the link to the right) allows you to
quickly identify relevant resources by key words or topics.
2) DIOSH is in Peoria on March
5, 2014. $110. Featured speakers Is OSHA’s Regional
Administrator Nick Walters. Mark Knezovich will present combustible dust
issues. Bob Lomastro will have another great session on NFPA 70 and electrical
safety. Mike Williamson from Caterpillar will discuss perception surveys. I
have seen these presenters speak and it is an all star line-up.
3) Arizona's workplace safety
agency recommended Wednesday that the state Forestry Division pay a nearly
$560,000 fine in the deaths of 19 firefighters, saying officials placed the
protection of non-defensible structures and pastureland ahead of firefighter
Public Speeches in 2014
I do these free for nonprofit
Jan 10
ASSE Naperville chapter speech,
OSHA 10 Hour General Industry
Feb 10 and Feb 14.
West Chicago Chamber of Commerce
Monday, March 3, 2014
Hazards of the Green Industry
Symposium: 1:30 - 4:30
www.buildsafe .org
Construction Safety Conference
March 4, 2014
Rigging Safety
Grain Safety Symposium
March 18, 2014
Bloomington, IL
Waubonsee Safety Days
March 19,
Sugar Grove Campus
Valley Industrial Association
April 10
Nebraska Safety Conference
April 29, 2014
Lincoln Nebraska
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