Saturday, January 6, 2018

OSHA December 2017

OSHA News for December 2017
Are we frozen yet? It has not been above freezing since December 24. I hope you dress in layers and have good warm gloves.
This month’s PowerPoint is a short Laboratory Safety ppt. I see many hazards in laboratory besides bloodborne. Ventilation in the hoods is rarely adequate. Training in mixing of chemicals and PPE is necessary to prevent explosions and deaths.
I ended the year with 2399 trained which is more relaxing than last year. I was glad to take the weekends off to prepare instead of teaching.
I will be speaking at the Blackhawk College Safety Summit January 10, 2018 in Moline IL. I will be covering 20 frequently missed serious hazards in manufacturing. Call 309-796-5718 to register. OSHA’s Brian Bohast will speak on the 2017 Fall Protection standard for industry. John Deere’s Ergonomist Janelle Haines will speak on ergo. Nick Walters, Tom Bielema and Angela Moore are the other speakers.
My most frequently taught subjects in 2017
1. Fall Protection.
2. OSHA 30
3. Trenching
4. OSHA 500
5. Confined space

OSHA News. 
1) OSHA issued a long interpretation on qualifications of fall protection trainers. I could not find it on the OSHA site so I included the pdf.
2) Scott Mungo passed through confirmation hearings to be head of OSHA.
3) OSHA wins silica appeal.
4) OSHA offers snow removal tips.
5) Worker fatalities jumped 300+. According to BLS, 5,190 fatal work injuries died on the job in 2016, a 7-percent increase from the 4,836 fatal injuries reported in 2015 and the third year in a row the number has increased.
6) “The Department of Labor will work with public and private stakeholders to help eradicate the opioid crisis as a deadly and growing workplace issue.”
7) The stopgap extends federal funding through Jan. 19.  This means OSHA is on frugal spending until the final budget.
8) Under the settlement agreement, Bartlett is required to review its safety and health management system and consult with industry experts to conduct a detailed audit of the system’s effectiveness. As well, the employer will give its internal safety manager authority to:
•            Stop unsafe operations;
•            Obtain a qualified third party to review new installations or material modifications to certain equipment;
•            Update housekeeping and preventive maintenance programs;
•            Enhance training procedures; and
•            Report to OSHA on a quarterly basis throughout the term of the agreement.
Six worker died in the explosion.
9)  Rather, the EPA rule requires that workers be evacuated to a distance 100 feet from the spray equipment until the equipment has moved on.  For pesticides where respirators are required to be used by the applicator, the Oregon OSHA proposal would require evacuation to 150 feet — 50 feet more than the EPA rule. And it would require that evacuation last at least 15 minutes after the spray equipment moved on, rather than end immediately, as is the case with the EPA rule.

10) Cal/OSHA Issues Advisory on Respiratory Protection for Harmful Exposure to Wildfire Smoke. When outdoor workers are exposed to air quality that is designated "Unhealthy", "Very Unhealthy" or "Hazardous" by local air quality management districts, employers are required to provide filtering respirators such as masks labeled N95 and certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

Other Major News Stories.
1) Postal worker kills 2.
2) A NY jury awarded approximately $174,00 to a whistleblower who was fired for reporting improper asbestos removal practices at asbestos abatement and demolition company.

OSHA Citations this month
1)  FL $160,972 5 dead in coal slag blockage removal.
2) Saipan $59,576 3 dead in sewer manhole
3) IL $220,497 Lead at Chicago Post Office
4) OH $514,236 Amputation. Lockout. Machine guarding. Vinyl Floor Manufacturer.
5) GA $148,845 Repeat Trench cave-in.
6) GA $130,552 Trench cave-in hazards.
7) AL $152,099. Triple fatal flash fire in auto pit.
8) WV $86,916 Roof fall injury. Demolition. 
9) NH $329,548 Mercury. Demolition of a boiler.

Safety Training at Non-Profits
CSC 30 Hour construction            Dec 5 7 12 14
CSC 10 Hour construction            Upon Request
NIU 10 Hour Industry                   Jan 3-4 Hoffman Estates   
CSC OSHA 500                                January 8-11
OSHA 510                                        January 29-1 NSC
CSC Excavation Safety                   Upon Request
Recordkeeping                               Upon Request
7125 Combustible Dust                Jan 5 Hoffman Estates
7205 Health Hazards                    Jan 17
7145 Lockout                                 Upon Request
7505  Incident investigation        Jan 22 NSC
7400 Noise                                     January 18
TRMA Scaffold                               Upon Request
CSC Crane Signal Rigging              Dec 13
CSC Confined Space                      Upon Request
TRMA Confined Space                  Upon Request
CSC GHS/Health hazards              Upon Request
CSC Fall Protection                        Jan 24
CSC Fall Protection Industry        Upon Request
CSC Work Zone MUTCD               Upon Request
CSC Job Hazard Analysis               Upon Request
CSC Machine Guarding 7100       Upon Request
CSC Emergency Planning              UIpon Request
CSC Health Hazards                       Upon Request
CSC OSHA Excavation 3015          Upon Request
7415 Construction Req.               Upon Request
OSHA 501                                        Upon Request
OSHA 503                                        January 23-25 NSC
NIU Small Business                        Upon Request
OSHA Intro safety mgt csc           Upon Request
NIU Bloodborne                             Upon Request
OSHA 7115 Lockout                      TBA
OSHA 3115 Fall CSC                       2018

NIU is Northern Illinois University OSHA Education Center
CSC is the Construction Safety Council in Hillside.
WDCC is the Western Dupage Chamber of Commerce
TRMA is Three Rivers Manufacturers Association
 NSC is National Safety Council
I usually teach only part of the 30 hour and the 500 series. I have taught 2399 people this year. I teach evenings, weekends, early mornings too      

All presentations are put on for free downloading. I put this presentation at this link.

I use your feedback to make changes to make corrections.

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