I hope the third heat wave of the year is not knocking you down. Lori Mac and Walt Siegfried mentioned that pickle juice can help prevent heat cramps. This is one of many articles that seems to show its positive benefit.
I met with OSHA on the large Trench stand down this month. Over 200 workers and people attended the event. OSHA mentioned that trenches and excavations on larger jobs are generally very good. It is the small jobs where they see most of the problems.
The OSHA nominee Scott Mungo is still not at the agency. I am not sure what is the hold up.
This month’s PowerPoint is skin cancer. It is now the most diagnosed cancer. I have had people I know die from the cancer and was surprised how prevalent it is today. The diagnosis and treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancers in the U.S. increased by 77 percent between 1994 and 2014. ... Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer. An estimated 4.3 million cases of BCC are diagnosed in the U.S. each year resulting in more than 3,000 deaths.
Some sunscreen can help prevent it and well and wearing light clothes. Stay cool and see you a month from now.
OSHA News.
1) OSHA issues new VPP. Death or willfuls is not automatic termination.
2) Representatives Labor/HHS Appropriations Subcommittee has reported out a bill cutting overall OSHA funding from $552.78 million in FY 2018 to $545.25 million for FY 2019, a 1.4% reduction.
3) Silica enforcement delayed until July 23, 2018 for Industry
4) Education and Labor department to be merged?
5) OSHA 300a due in July.
6) OSHA whistleblower win. Wells Fargo to pay $5.4 million to a former manager who said he was fired in 2010 after reporting to his supervisors and to a bank ethics hotline what he suspected was fraudulent behavior.
7) OSHA has a new searchable, online database of workplace chemicals http://www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com/articles/17209-osha-launches-database-for-workplace-chemical-information
8) OSHA has new trenching safety poster
9) On June 29, Ann Rosenthal leaves the Department of Labor’s Office of the Solicitor where she has spent 40 years handling worker safety and health cases.
10) The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration reports that its five most popular videos center on construction safety.
Other Major News Stories.
1) Two workers die on elevator collapse in St. Louis
2) Skin cancers kills 50 a year from work exposures in Britain.
3) OSHA has safety and health bulletin out on horizontal directional drilling.
4) Two KS deputies died during prison transfer
5) Two dead in NY when slabs fall over on them.
OSHA Citations this month
1) $125,460 NH Conveyor fatality. Lockout. Guarding. Energy company.
2) $64,857 CO confined space, respirators. Chemical manufacturer.
3) $120,320 WI Willful roof fall. Ladderjacks. Roofer.
4) $202,201 OH Willful trench. Excavation company.
5) $129,336 FL Willful roof. Roofing company.
Safety Training at Non-Profits
OSHA 10 Industry. Rockford July 9-10
OSHA 7200 Bloodborne Rockford July 11
OSHA 500 CSC July 9-12
OSHA 511 NSC July 10-13
OSHA 3015 Trenching Depends on enrollment July 16-18
OSHA 511 Chicago July 23-26
NIU is Northern Illinois University OSHA Education Center http://www.nsec.niu.edu/nsec/
CSC is the Construction Safety Council in Hillside. Www.Buildsafe.org
WDCC is the Western Dupage Chamber of Commerce http://www.westerndupagechamber.com/
TRMA is Three Rivers Manufacturers Association www.trma.org
NSC is National Safety Council https://www.greatlakesosha.org/sites/national-safety-council/
I usually teach only part of the 30 hour and the 500 series. I have been teaching many 10.30 hour class for private companies. I have taught 1502 people this year. I teach evenings, weekends, early mornings too. I teach in Wisconsin, Central Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana.
All presentations are put on slideshare.net for free downloading. I put this presentation at this link. https://www.slideshare.net/JohnNewquist/skin-cancer-2018
I use your feedback to make changes to make corrections.
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