OSHA News for
February 2020
February was all
work. Legal work and training were much of the month. I have trained 751 people
in two months this year. I forget how
long a 10 hour deposition can be.
The Coronavirus
or Covid-19 has one US death and 60 infected. I hope to teach a session at
Hillside or Dekalb on March 27.
This month
presentation is on GHS. I have not posted one in a long time.
I hope to see
some you at CSC annual conference. Next week!
OSHA News.
1) Framing Contractor gets 30 days in jail for
violating OSHA rules.
2) Silica Emphasis program coming.
3) OSHA boss
Sweatt hopes for a second term.
4) Contractor
pleads guilty to mail fraud for fake osha training.
offering trench grants of $2 million.
Other Major News
1) The Annual
Construction Safety Conference in March 2-3, 2020< There several interesting
topics including, Suspension Trauma, Task Based PPE, Underground Utilities, VR
and AI for Safety training, Aerial Lift Operator qualifications, 2021 NFPA 70E,
and Cyber Liability. I will speak on
“What Doesn’t Kill You, Hurts. Preventing the Top 10 Most Common Construction
2) Something is
rotten with the incident rate for oil and gas.
Incident rate is
0.8. Well below manufacturing and other sectors. Yet the worker die 5x more
that average per article below.
So I spoke with
two large companies about the disparity. Both said the industry lies on
injuries. One said many pay the injured worker to stay at home avoid having a
worker compensation claim. They pay the medical out of pocket. Another said
they encourage employees not report by giving bonuses for not getting hurt.
3) Three Dead in
oil blowout in TX.
4) An Illinois
farm worker has died in a grain bin accident after being buried in corn.
David Lowis, 61,
was pronounced dead at the scene.
According to the
county coroner, first responders had to cut into the grain bin to get Lowis
out. An autopsy revealed he died from suffocation.
5) 1 dead in nursing home in Lake County IL from
6) Double
fatality in Cleveland in tanker confined space.
7) Less OSHA inspections in 2020.
8) FL roofer
ignores $2.2 million in OSHA fines.
9) A pair of OSHA
Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health workgroups are schedule to
host public teleconferences March 5.
According to a
notice published in the Feb. 25 Federal Register, the Education, Training and
Outreach workgroup’s meeting on fall prevention and trench safety is set for 10
a.m. Eastern. The Emerging and Current Issues workgroup’s meeting on opioids
and suicides in construction is slated for 1 p.m. Eastern.
Comments and
requests to speak must be submitted by Feb. 28.
ACCSH advises the
Department of Labor and OSHA on upcoming standards affecting the construction
industry and “the administration of safety and health provisions” in the
Construction Safety Act. Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health
workgroups are scheduled to host public teleconferences March 5.
10) What standards
require annual training?
Safety Training
at Non-Profits
NIU Machine
guarding Free March
5, March 16
OSHA 500 CSC Mar
OSHA 7115 CSC Lockout with new book Mar 13
OSHA 511 Rockford Mar
Panflu Mar
NIU is Northern
Illinois University OSHA Education Center http://www.nsec.niu.edu
FREE machine
Guarding https://www.nsec.niu.edu/nsec/course-schedules/free-courses/free-machinery-courses/index.shtml
CSC is the
Construction Safety Council in Hillside. Www.Buildsafe.org
TRMA is Three
Rivers Manufacturers Association
NSC is National
Safety Council http://www.nsec.niu.edu/nsec/
I usually teach
only part of the 30 hour and the 500 series. I have been teaching many 10/30
hour class for private companies. I have
taught 751 people this year. I teach evenings, weekends, early mornings too. I
teach in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Indiana.
All presentations
are put on slideshare.net for free downloading. I put this presentation at this
link. https://www.slideshare.net/JohnNewquist/ghs-2020-one-hour
I use your
feedback to make changes to make corrections.
OSHA Citations
February – next month