Wednesday, March 11, 2015

OSHA February News and Link to IH Respirator ppt

This month’s draft powerpoint is Industrial Hygiene and Respirators. I
used this in the speech to the Valley Industrial Association. For some
reason, I am doing more respirator training than ever before.

March 2nd and 3rd is the Construction Safety Conference in Oak Brook Terrace.
I will presenting two session and you get those CEUs for attending.
The Construction Safety Conference Sessions will include such topics
as; What to Expect from OSHA in 2015; Edwin S. Rearick Safety Forum;
Small Fires, Big Losses; Workers’ Compensation 101; Hearing
Conservation in Construction; OSHA Training Programs; Training Your
Employees in a Language they Understand, to name a few. Registration
for the Safety Sessions and session sponsorships is now open. Click
here for a pdf of the safety session brochure:

I am doing a FREE class for NIU on March 27
Introduction to OSHA for Small Businesses (OSHA #7510)
This course covers an introduction to the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) and the OSH Act for owners and managers
of small businesses. Course topics include an introduction to OSHA,
OSHA Standards, the inspection process, implementing a safety and
health program, worker training requirements and assistance available
to small businesses. Upon course completion students will understand
OSHA operations and procedures and how to work with OSHA to prevent or
reduce injuries and illnesses in their workplace.

Friday, 03/27/15, 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Breakfast will be served.
Northern Illinois University - DeKalb Campus
College of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Room 358
590 Garden Rd.
DeKalb, IL 60115
REGISTER NOW:, 1-800-656-5317

Here is the news for February 2015
1) OSHA head asked to index penalties to inflation,

2) $1.76 million fine to furniture maker, 1000+ injuries. Several amputations,

3) MD House proposing that OSHA give 14 day notice to inspect. Because
employers can't comply with a 45 old law today?

Requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry or an authorized
representative of the Commissioner to provide an employer written
notice of an intent to inspect the place of employment, at least 14
days before the inspection is to occur, if the Commissioner or an
authorized representative of the Commissioner has not inspected the
place of employment in the immediately preceding 3 years; etc.

4) OSHA Jordan Barab said the following rules are pending final agency action:
• Silica
• Subpart D: Walking Working Surfaces and Personal Fall
Protection Systems (Slips, Trips, and Fall Prevention).
• Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses (also
known informally as Electronic Recordkeeping Rule)
• Confined Space in Construction

5) 15 years in jail for tree trimmer.
Blake Bryant, 14, of Palatka fell from a 71-foot tree after he
accidentally cut through his safety harness while working for John
Wilkes Tree Service in Middleburg.…/tree-service-owne…/23649551/

5) OSHA Hospitalization, Amputations Reporting triggers
Inspection Triggers. OSHA nonpublished memo said these reports by
companies to OSHA automatically trigger an inspection—
Category 1 reports— any of these trigger an inspection:
- a fatality;
- at least two hospitalizations;
- any injury of a worker 17 years old or younger;
- similar events at the worksite involving multiple injures that
occurred in the past year;
- employer history of repeat, willful, failure-to-abate or egregious violations;
- employer previously designated as a severe violator;
- employer covered by national or local emphasis program; or
- any imminent danger
Answer ‘Yes,’ Get Inspected.

Reports that could trigger an inspection if at least TWO of the
following questions below are answered ‘‘yes’’ will be recorded as
Category 2 reports,
The Category 2 questions are:
- Were temporary workers or ‘‘other vulnerable populations’’ injured
or made ill?
- Does the employer participate in a cooperative safety program such
as the Voluntary Protection Program or an alliance?
- Are employees still exposed to factors underlying the hazards
producing the injury or illness?
- Was the incident the result of failure of a safety program such as
lockout/tagout or process safety management?
- Were employees exposed to a serious hazard such as falls,
combustible dust or heat?
- Is there a pending whistle-blower complaint or inspection?
- Does the employer have a history of OSHA inspections?
- Did another government agency make a referral?
- Were health issues such as chemical exposure and heat stress involved?
If the answers to the Category 2 questions are ‘‘no,’’ then an
inspection may not be warranted

6) Update to the Neri Criminal trench jail. He was released from jail
December 24 after serving three weeks.
• Neri was permanently enjoined from engaging in trenching,
excavation, construction or related activities and permanently
prohibited from possessing or leasing any construction excavation
• The judges also found that Neri, based on a review of his
tax returns and other financial records, was unable to pay the
$110,440 fine.
• However, the judges said the government ‘‘may continue to
pursue collection through an appropriate tribunal

7) Congrats to Julie Evans for her well-earned retirement. I worked
with Julie on and off since she started. She was a tireless hard
working person and was a great team leader.

8) Congrats to Sherrill Benjamin for his hard working whistleblower
manager career. He was an attorney and taught me nearly everything I
know on discrimination and whistleblower. I did several audits with
him and he was always a hardworking man.

9) Congrats to Dana Root on her retirement. Dana Root was the first
ergonomist I had a chance to work with extensively. She had the
patience to show me all the tools needed to conduct an ergonomic

10) Congrats to Nancy Nash for her promotion to the Regional Office in
Enforcement programs.

11) I audited 12 large construction company respirator programs. Three
issues were common. Lack of Medical Evaluation initially, No Annual
Respirator Training, and No quantitative or qualitative respirator fit
test. Most used did not know how to do a filtering face piece user
seal check.

12) I looked at 10 companies’ body harnesses and energy absorbers.
80+% had harnesses over five years old with some 17 years olds. About
50% of the snaphooks and carabiners did not have the gate strength
stamped on the gate. It should be 3600 pounds or higher.

OSHA Citations in February
Penalty State Major Issues Business

1) $55,800 GA 14 Serious incl. Forklift, lockout, and PPE Auto Parts

2) $1,766,000 WI 12 Willful, 12 Repeats, Lockout, machine guarding,
etc. Furniture mfr

3) $42,000 LA Methylene Chloride, Hex Chrome, Aircraft Mfr

4) $110,200 TX Hexchrome Plating co.

5) $47,740 SD Trenching, Sewer Contractor

6) $43,120 IL Hexchrome, Snow plow mfr

7) $158,020 AL Machine guarding, electrical, Auto Part mfr and Temp Employers

8) $85,000 OH Electrical burns injury, Paper Mill, Temp employee

9) $287,440 IL Lead paint bridges, Painting contractor

10) $70,000 MO Fire extinguishersm Armored Car

11) $122,500 OH Repeat lockout, Paper mfr

12) $54,000 NE Falls, machine guarding, Flooring mfr

13) $44,800 TX Fatality cutting plate explosion, Steel fab

14) $58,100 TX Combustible dust, Pet Food mfr

15) $179,000 OH Confined Space, Food tanker transport

16) $119,000 MO Propane truck explosion, Truck transport

17) $108,800 ME Lockout, machine guarding Carper mfr.

18) $51,000 OK Ammonia, PSM, Seafood processing

19) $63,000 MO Repeat, machine guarding, punch presses, Aluminum extension

20) $93,700 TX Confined space, lockout, HVAC mfr

21) $114,800 IL Cell tower fall death, Painter

22) $53,900 NJ Head protection, fall protection, Tree Trimmer

23) $86,130 IL Hex chrome hearing protection, Boat products mfr

24) $74,200 IN Electrical, forklifts, Agribusiness

25) $89,600 NJ Asbestos, moving company

26) $42,350 PA GHS, Eyewash, Surgical cart mfr

27) $80,100 CT Combustible dust, lead, cadmium arsenic, Trash recycler

28) $139,800 OH PPE, machine guarding Tube products

29) $63,000 TX Combustible dust, electrical, Mill

30) $89,500 TX Cave-in, Sewer contractor

31) $79,900 FL Fall protection, Roofer

32) $242,940 MI Arm amputation, Shipyard

33) $57,600 AL PPE, GHS Aluminum foil lfr

34) $65,900 KS Toe amputation, Grain Mill

35) $53,000 NJ Noise, Lockout, Temp and Laboratory

36) $56,000 NJ Willful machine guarding, Cutter tool mfr

37) $43,560 MA Fall Protection Roofing, Roofer

38) $77,400 NY Fire Exits, Retailer

39) $133,540 OH Amputations, combustible dust Pallet mfr

Large Work Payouts

1) $30 million for asbestos in New York

2) $14 million to Indian guest worker

3) $25 million in balcony collapse

4) $8 million for fatal factory shooting

Major New Stories

1) Two killed in AL fireworks explosion. This is the third multiple
fatality of 2015

2) IL fire chief killed in truck accident

3) Company agrees to hire a safety director after OSHA inspection.
Also, the company has hired a safety director, Barry Lassiter has the
title of MFG's Director of Environmental, Health, Safety and Security.
His "top priority will be to create a new culture of safety at the
company's Kimberly Park facility," according to an MFG announcement
regarding his October hire.
Let's hope they start a safety commitment with top management buying into this.

4) “Three children are without a father because of a preventable
tragedy," said Jacob Scott, OSHA’s area director in North Aurora. "No
one should have to endure such a painful loss ever. Inspecting and
making sure protective equipment is in use and working properly is a
common-sense safety procedure that saves lives and prevents injuries.
Companies that ask their employees to work above the ground have a
responsibility to provide adequate fall protection to workers. OSHA
has seen a disturbing trend in preventable deaths and injuries in the
telecommunications industry.” - See more at:

5) OSHA Whistleblower speaks out. (I disagree with the numbers comment
among others.)

2015 Safety Training at Non-Profits

CSC 30 Hour construction Mar 10, 12, 17, 19

CSC OSHA 500 Mar 9-13

CSC Excavation Safety upon request

CSC Incident Investigation/ upon request

NIU 30 Hour Industry March 16-19

TRMA Confined Space March 24

TRMA Scaffold Safety March 10

TRMA Crane Signal and Rigging March 5

CSC GHS update upon request

CSC Fall Protection upon Request

NIU is Northern Illinois University OSHA Education Center

CSC is the Construction Safety Council in Hillside.

WDCC is the Western Dupage Chamber of Commerce

TRMA is Three Rivers Manufacturers Association

I usually teach only part of the 30 hour and the 500 series.

This year, I am tracking the Illinois worker fatalities. I can find 14 for 2015.

I set record training in February with nearly every day teaching 400
people I am up to 588 people trained in 2015. So much for slowing
down. I am booked every day in March including three Saturdays.