Tuesday, October 7, 2014

September OSHA News and Incident Investigation ppt

It is Fire Prevention Month so make sure you cover some fire safety
this month with employees. Remember to bond and ground the flammables
when dispensing. Also no welding on containers container flammables.
Every place with combustible dust needs to ensure that contractors do
not weld on dust containers.

I got to teach Incident Investigation at the Chicago ASSE conference
in Naperville. It was good to see many of you there getting great
training and CEUs.This month’s draft powerpoint is Incident
Investigation. This is what I used for the three hour session at


This year, I am tracking the Illinois worker fatalities. I can find 1
who died in June bringing the total to 53 for 2014.

It was record month of training 224 people trained. My goal for 2014
is 2500 people trained. The first seven months was 1546 people trained
total. I think I will try to get 2000 trained.

I am also working on a training ppts for tuckpointing, power
transmission, tree trimming and logging safety so will be glad to come
out and help out at no cost.


Here is the news for September

1) The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled against
Texas-based Austin Industrial Specialty Services’ in its appeal of
Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) citations over
circumstances that led to the death of a worker.  Although Austin
employees wore hydrogen sulfide monitors while cleaning, the company
did not conduct any other air-quality tests in the environment,
according to the underlying complaint.


2) If you haven't visited OSHA's Temporary Workers webpage recently,
there are a couple of new items including a policy directive and joint
OSHA-NIOSH recommendations document posted


3) OMB finished its review this week of OSHA's final rule which would
change employers' reporting requirements for in-patient
hospitalizations and amputation incidents.  The proposal set out to
require employers to report to OSHA within 8 hours all work-related
in-patient hospitalizations. Currently employers are only required to
report if 3 or more employees have in-patient hospitalizations. OSHA
also proposed to require employers to report within 24 hours all
work-related amputations (which are not currently incidents that
require reporting to OSHA.


4) Several workers were hurt in construction collapse in September due
to high winds. They should have stopped work. Here is the OSHA
definition of high winds.

High wind. A wind of such velocity that one or more of the following
hazards would be present:

1.The wind could blow an employee from an elevated location,

2.The wind could cause an employee or equipment handling material to
lose control of the material, or

3.The wind would expose an employee to other hazards not controlled by
the standard involved.

Note to the definition of "high wind": The Occupational Safety and
Health Administration normally considers winds exceeding 64.4
kilometers per hour (40 miles per hour), or 48.3 kilometers per hour
(30 miles per hour) if the work involves material handling, as meeting
this criteria, unless the employer takes precautions to protect
employees from the hazardous effects of the wind.


5) I am seeing hard hat manufacturers recommend the suspension lining
be changed every year now and the hat replaced in 5 years.

6) OSHA Harwood grant winners are here.

7) Congrats to OSHA's Bill Perry for becoming Director of Standards.

8) "Frederick Prinz, 38, of Marmora, N.J., pleaded guilty before U.S.
District Judge Joseph H. Rodriguez in Camden federal court to an
information charging him with making and selling fraudulent
construction industry certification forms, known as “OSHA 30” cards.
Sentencing is scheduled for Dec. 10."


9) Important: The final rule becomes effective January 1, 2015.

The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health
Administration today announced a final rule requiring employers to
notify OSHA when an employee is killed on the job or suffers a
work-related hospitalization, amputation or loss of an eye. The rule,
which also updates the list of employers partially exempt from OSHA
record-keeping requirements, will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2015, for
workplaces under federal OSHA jurisdiction.


10) Wow, Initial count of 2013 fatalities dropped. A preliminary total
of 4,405 fatal work injuries were recorded in the United States in
2013, lower than the revised count of 4,628 fatal work injuries in
It may be revised upwards as in the past, but looks better.


11) I am seeing a few hot works dust explosions. For example, Four
hurt in grain dust explosion in AZ during hot works.

Flames from welding equipment touched off a grain-dust explosion at a
Nestlé Purina plant on Sunday, severely burning two workers and
injuring two others, authorities said. The four contractors were
welding about 5 p.m. on the fifth floor of the complex's seven-story
grain elevator when their torches sparked grain dust and set off the
blast, Flagstaff Fire Department Capt. Bill Morse said


12) Can you take an Online 40 hour HAZWHOPPER class to meet 1910.120?
The latest LOI states that "some" of the course may be obtained on
line, but a lot of the Tech and Operations Level course MUST contain
hands on training which of course can not be done on-line. "use of
computer-based training by itself would not be sufficient to meet the
intent of the standard's various training requirements. OSHA urges
employers to be wary of relying solely on generic "packaged" training
programs in meeting their training requirements since training
required under HAZWOPER includes site-specific elements which need to
be tailored to the individual worker's assigned duties."


13) Here is a video on how to fill propane tanks on forklifts. , it
does NOT mention no sources of ignition within 35 feet. Because
propane is heavier, it always should be done outside as
they show.

14) Cal-OSHA proposed many new PSM changes.

15) The Army Corps of Engineers require contractors on their sites to
have a Fatigue Management Plan. It offers good guidelines if a company
wanted to develop a program.

16) Frank Winingham retired from the OSHA Training Institute September
26, 2014. Frank was the Eau Claire Area Director and one of the best
Violence in the Workplace instructors that I have seen. I wish him the
best and a relaxing afterlife.

17) I found the angle indicator on the NIOSH Ladder App for your
smart phone to be great in rigging also.

OSHA Citations in September

Penalty State Major Issues Business

1) $76,340 IL Willful cave-in, Trenching contractor

2) $84,000 NE Willful fal fatal, Grain elevator

3) $92,851 GA Fail to Abate noise, Parts mfr

4) $497,000 IL 7 Willful, conveyor death, Metal recycler,

5) $341,550 TX Repeat hex chrome, Plating company

6) $186,340 FL 3 Willful, Residential contractor

7) $79,200 TX Repeat falls. Stucco contractor.

8) $73,500 AL 23 serious Falls Machine guarding, Lumber mill

9) $66,700 IL 11 Serious Machine guarding, Tower mfr

10) $94,000 OH Fatality crushing. Steel Mill

11) $77,000 OH Repeat trench cave-in. Blacktop company

12) $294,000 CT Willfull roofing falls. Roofer

13) $274,700 NY 6 Repeat PSM. Ice maker

14) $70,000 WI Willful amputation. Paper mfr

15) $108,020 IL Willful fall, Truck terminal

16) $234,960 AL Fail to Abate Falls, forklifts, Machine guarding.
Condiment producer

17) $61,600 OH $61,600 Rubber Mfr

18) $85,080 WV Willful fire extinguisher Lumber company

19) $234,900 TX Willful noise, machine guarding, Cut Stone mfr

20) $48,928 IL Willful noise and respirators, Foundry

21) $235,700 PA Willful falls, Stucco company

22) $120,120 SD Willful engulfment death, Grain elevator

23) $126,700 OH Willful punch press, Coil steel mfr

24) $58,000 MA Fire fatality, Ironworks

25) $133,900 NE Willful confined space, Railcar

26) $51,000 GA Willful electrical. Electrical contractor.

27) $45,540 NJ Machine guarding, electrical. Glass company

28) $48,400 IL Willful falls. Residential roofer

29) $67,500 AL Falls, electrical Auto parts mfr

30) $68,838 GA Repeat cranes, forklift, GHS. Iron metal mfr

31) $130,200 OH Willful machine guarding Aluminum company

32) $168,000 MA Willful fatality crane violations. Electrical company

33) $134,400 WV Willful fatal cell tower collapse, Cell tower company

34) $84,500 GA Machine Guarding, temp employees

35) $49,280 NJ Fall hazards, Residential construction

36) $66,400 IL Repeat GHS, Garage

37) $46,000 IL Willful asbestos, Restoration contractor

38) $162,000 FL Willful fall protection, residential contractor

Large Work Payouts

1) Appeals courts voids most of the $180 million judgment against
Conagra in IL grain explosion.


2) American Apparel Inc. has agreed to pay $1 million to settle a
civil suit over a worker's death.


Major New Stories

1) Another double fatality in a confined space in less than 2 weeks.
This in Idaho. Jody Taylor says his son, 19-year-old Bo Taylor, and a
co-worker, 46-year-old Trent Sorensen both died. Jody says it was a
toxic combination of fumes inside a manhole that caused his son to
pass out, then drown in the water below. This is the 25th multiple
fatality in 2014.


2) Two FL workers killed when forklift tips over. This is the 26th
multiple fatality in 2014


3) Three dead in a UPS Alabama shooting.


4) Second steelworker has died from that Explosion in Alabama earlier
this week. This is the 28th multiple fatality in 2014


5) How hazardous is agriculture for workers? Quite a bit.

The agriculture sector accounted for 479 deaths in 2013. With a
fatality rate of 22.2 for every 100,000 full-time workers, agriculture
recorded the highest fatality rate of any industry sector.
Additionally, more than 49,000 injuries were recorded in 2012, the
last year for which statistics were available from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics. Agriculture employs more than 2 million people in the
United States.


2014 Safety Training at Non-Profits

CSC 10 Hour for Construction                       Oct 7-8, 2014

CSC 30 Hour construction                             Oct 7, 9 14, 16, 2014

TRMA 30 Hour Industry                                Oct 20, 22, 27, 29

SIOSH Conference                                         Oct 30

CSC OSHA 500                                             upon request

CSC Excavation Safety                                  upon request

CSC Fall Protection                                        upon request

CSC Confined Space                                      upon request

TRMA Scaffold Safety                                  upon request

TRMA Crane Signal and Rigging                  upon request

TRMA is Three Rivers Manufacturers Association    www.trma.org

NIU is Northern Illinois University OSHA Education Center

CSC is the Construction Safety Council in Hillside. Www.Buildsafe.org

WDCC is the Western Dupage Chamber of Commerce

SIOSH conference is at

I usually teach only part of the 30 hour and the 500 series.

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