Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December 2019 OSHA News

OSHA News for December 2019
It was warmer in December than in November. The weather in Chicago got up to 62 degrees which set a record last week.  The flu peaks in February so I hope many of you got a flu shot.
I trained 2180 people last year.  The top five classes were:
1) OSHA 511 OSHA industry Standards
2) Machine Guarding
3) Recordkeeping
4) Lockout – New book written – “Big Book of OSHA Lockout”
5) OSHA 30 in Construction

This month powerpoint is OSHA most frequently cited construction standards for 2019. I want to thank the OSHA people that helped me with the data. In Illinois, nearby 30% of the construction citations are falls from the roof. This is low hanging fruit for OSHA. Everyone on a roof doing construction work must have some fall protection. OSHA gets many cell phone photos of hazards.
I see some large companies get caught on multi-employer issues in civil litigation with million-dollar judgment. A subcontractor with a history of OSHA violations can cost a general contractor millions in civil litigation if they get hurt or killed on a construction site. Many company use the OSHA history among other factors when deciding on a subcontractor.
I will send the most cited industry standards in the next month.  Stay safe and warm.

OSHA News. 
1) The US Department of Labor/ OSHA has issued a notice stating that it no longer recognizes crane operator test certifications issued by Florida based Crane Institute Certification - CIC.

The statement issued on Monday states: “OSHA will not accept CIC certification (including recertification) issued on or after December 2, 2019, as evidence of compliance with OSHA’s operator certification requirements in 29 CFR 1926.1427.”
2) After 20 years of litigation, the US Department of Labor is celebrating victory in an epic legal battle to make a construction company boss pay penalties for site safety violations committed in 1998.
New Jersey-based Altor Inc. and its president Vasilios Saites last week finally agreed to pay the original fine of $412,000 plus another $30,000 in interest after a US Court of Appeals in Philadelphia found in July that they were in contempt for failing to pay the original penalties.
3) Rare win in ID for suing the employer for wrongful death.
4) Silica emphasis program may start in 2020.
5) OSHA get budget increase to $581.8 million. Harwood grants cut to $4.5 million.
6) OSHA will target industries from osha amputations database.

7) Statistics from Recent BLS 2018 fatality data.
5250 deaths up from 5147
1863 55 and older – down from 1930 (record)
1072 self-employed - down from 1078 (Truck drivers, construction)
1003 construction – up from 965 
961 Latino Workers – up from 903
831 Truck drivers down from 840
791 falls - down from 887
615 Black Workers – up from 517
615 Falls from heights - down from 713
566 Struck by - up from 503
488 Texas - down from 534
453 Homicides – down from 458
422 California – up from 376
413 Women - up from 386
343 Manufacturing – up from 303
332 Florida - up from 299
305 Unintentional Overdoses at work - up from 272
271 New York – down from 313
264 Farmers, ranchers - up from 262
276 Local government – up from 265
225 Ground maintenance workers – up from 191
184 Illinois – up from 163
173 Indiana – up from 138
160 Electricity – up from 136
154 Same level falls - up from 151 RECORD
145 Missouri – up from 125
137 Caught in - up from 108
114 Wisconsin – up from 106
108 Police up from 93
77 Iowa – up from 72
20 states had lower deaths.
Other Major News Stories.
1) 3 French executives convicted for workplace harassment that lead to 35 suicides.
PARIS — The former chief executive of one of France’s biggest companies and two subordinates were convicted on Friday of “institutional moral harassment” in the suicides of 35 employees in the mid-2000s, in a landmark ruling that represents the first time a French company has been held responsible for such a crime.
The chief executive, Didier Lombard, who led France Télécom, the former national telephone company that is now the telecommunications giant Orange, was sentenced to four months in prison and fined $16,000, as were the company’s second-in-command and its director of human resources at the time. Orange was fined the maximum $83,000.
The criminal court in Paris found that the three men were responsible for creating an atmosphere of fear during a desperate company restructuring that led directly to the suicides and attempted suicides of numerous employees.
Current and former workers gave wrenching testimony in a three-month trial this spring and summer about the severe anxiety that prevailed as the executives tackled a $50 billion debt by trying to get rid of 22,000 employees, out of a total of 120,000. Most of the employees were civil servants and thus could not be fired.
2) Tank cleaning kills two in TX
3) Triple fatality in MN silo.

Safety Training at Non-Profits
OSHA 511 NIU Naperville                                                        Jan 13-16
OSHA 7105 CSC Emergency Planning                                   Jan 9
OSHA 10 NIU Naperville                                                          Jan 21-22
NIU is Northern Illinois University OSHA Education Center http://www.nsec.niu.edu
CSC is the Construction Safety Council in Hillside. Www.Buildsafe.org
TRMA is Three Rivers Manufacturers Association   www.trma.org
NSC is National Safety Council http://www.nsec.niu.edu/nsec/
I usually teach only part of the 30 hour and the 500 series. I have been teaching many 10/30 hour class for private companies.  I have taught 2180 people this year. I teach evenings, weekends, early mornings too. I teach in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana.   
All presentations are put on slideshare.net for free downloading. I put this presentation at this link. https://www.slideshare.net/JohnNewquist/construction-most-cited-fy2019-osha
I use your feedback to make changes to make corrections.

OSHA Citations will be next month

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